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Monday, October 24, 2005


Getting and using a SecurityPrincipal from MSH

Sometimes you look way to far to get something,

I was searching for getting a SecurityPrincipal, from AD (see former posts)
I could not find it (I can get the Owner of the AD-Object as securityPrincipal, but that is Domain\Administrators.)

the trick was just declare them :

$Account = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount("User")


$Account = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount ("Domain", "User")

(this will not fail if user does not exists, error only comes when You use it)

to get the SID for this Account :

$SID = $Account.translate([system.security.principal.securityidentifier])

(if you get no error your user DOES exist ;-) so this is a good way to check if you have a valid user.

so now I can realy use my set_Owner function :

MSH C:\> $Account = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount("administrators")
MSH C:\> (gi test.txt).set_owner($Account)
MSH C:\> (gi test.txt).get_owner($Account)

MSH C:\> $nt = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount("foo")
MSH C:\> (gi test.txt).set_owner($nt)
Exception calling "Set_Owner" with "1" argument(s): "Exception calling "SetOwner" with "1" argument(s): "Some or all identity references could not be translated.".".At line:1 char:24+ (gi test.txt).set_owner( <<<< $nt)

gr /\/\o\/\/

PS if you are admin you can GiveOwnership to any account you want with this.

Blogger Sung Meister
Shouldn't argument for
"$nt = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount("Domain,"User")"
be ("Domain", "User"), instead?
Blogger Sung Meister
Ah, yeah i have forgot to mention that it'd have been better that if you get yourself a " System.Management.Automation.MshCredential" object created(through get-credential) with "Administrator", then be able to change principals and other stuff as well...

Man i was looking for ways to do that but will be you able to find out if there is a way?
Blogger Sung Meister
Sorry for spamming with comments.

On the second thought, i guess letting administrator credential to modify system properties would be bad because that would mean "coupling" credential object with system property modifying objects...
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
Shouldn't argument for
"$nt = new-object system.security.principal.ntaccount("Domain,"User")"
be ("Domain", "User"), instead?
# posted by dontbothermewithspam : 6:35 PM

Fixed, I also made it all $account
to make it more clear

Ah, yeah i have forgot to mention that it'd have been better that if you get yourself a " System.Management.Automation.MshCredential" object created(through get-credential) with "Administrator", then be able to change principals and other stuff as well...

Easy to get it in a function,
and make your own.
but yes should be there (as the shortcuts to get-Owner ec.) V2 ?

Man i was looking for ways to do that but will be you able to find out if there is a way?

I will add it to the post

Sorry for spamming with comments.

NP thanks for the comments.

On the second thought, i guess letting administrator credential to modify system properties would be bad because that would mean "coupling" credential object with system property modifying objects...

Don't think so, You still have to have the rights to do the GiveOwn, even in NT the TakeOwner function, was just an interface restriction, (if you called the API you could set it to any account), I have needed this often (repairing Homedirs etc.)

In 2003 you can do it in the interface also.

gr /\/\o\/\/

PS trust (..and check/check Doublecheck..;-)) your admins
Anonymous Anonymous
These are great examples of manipulating ACL's, but I was wondering how it would be possible to replace the whole DACL rather than just adding in an ACE?

I'd basically like to perform the equivilent of unticking the inherit from parent checkbox in the UI (and hitting the remove button).

Pointers in the right direction (for a non-hardcore programmer) greatly appreciated ;)


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