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Sunday, October 30, 2005


WMI viewer script for MSH (GUI)

I Like sometimes a quick overview of I WMI class,
the MSH script below adds the Function :

get-WMIDatagrid (GWD)

to MSH, with this function you can look at the Instances of a WMI Object in a Datagrid.
I will first grab all Instances of the Class and add all the properties to a DataTable.
then it will launce a form with a Datagrid linked to the Generated DataTable.
this gives you a quick overview of the Class and the instances.

for example :

MSH> GWD win32_share

gr /\/\o\/\/

PS as I get All the Data you can get problems with a few classes (for example the Eventlog) that have very much data in them.(but there are only a few of them)

# WmiDatagrid.msh
# Shows Instances of WMIClass in Datagrid
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005


function get-WMIDatagrid {
  Param ([string] $WmiClass = "")

  if ($wmiClass -eq "") {Throw "No WMIClass given"}

  $MC = new-object system.management.ManagementClass $wmiCLass
  $MOC = $MC.GetInstances()

  trap{"Class Not found";break}

  $DT =  new-object  System.Data.DataTable
  $DT.TableName = $wmiClass

  $i = 0
  $MOC | foreach {
    $MO = $_

    # Make a DataRow
    $DR = $DT.NewRow()

    $MO.get_properties() | foreach {

      $prop = $_

      If ($i -eq 0)  {
        # Only On First Row make The Headers

        $Col =  new-object System.Data.DataColumn
        $Col.ColumnName = $prop.Name.ToString()
        $prop.get_Qualifiers() | foreach {
          If ($_.Name.ToLower() -eq "key") {
            $Col.ColumnName = $Col.ColumnName + "*"

      #fill dataRow 

      if ($prop.value -eq $null) {
        $DR.Item($prop.Name) = "[empty]"
      ElseIf ($prop.IsArray) {
        $DR.Item($prop.Name) =[string]::Join($prop.value ,";")
      Else {
        $DR.Item($prop.Name) = $prop.value
        #Item is Key try again with *
        trap{$DR.Item("$($prop.Name)*") = $prop.Value.tostring();continue}
    # Add the row to the DataTable
    $i += 1
  $form = new-object "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
  $form.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size @(800,400)
  $DG = new-object "System.windows.forms.DataGrid"
  $DG.CaptionText = "$wmiClass $($DT.Count)"
  $DG.AllowSorting = $True
  $DG.DataSource = $DT.mshobject.baseobject
  $DG.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill

  #show the Form

  $form.text = "$wmiCLass"
  $form.topmost = $true

set-alias gwd get-WMIDatagrid

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