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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Watching FSRM Quota and filescreen events from Monad

With Windows 2003 Server R2 comes FSRM (File Server Resource Manager),

(for more info White paper on storage management in R2, or about FSRM Step-by-Step Guide for File Server Resource Manager .)

you can send alerts with FSRM by Mail, Eventlogs and running a command.

but with FSRM you can also get the events by some new WMI Classes.


I used Get-WmiClasses from Wmi-Help Part 1 , to list them (we installed nothing more on the R2 server as FSRM)

(its easy to use this script remote by filling in the Path in the Managementscope declaration)
$MS = new-object system.management.ManagementScope(\\server\root\cimv2)

I made 2 hashTables from this script, and did compare them like this :

MSH C:\MowMSH> $ClassesR2.keys | select @{expression={$_}; name="R2"},@{expression={$classesW2k3.ContainsKey($_.tostring())}; name="2k3"} | where {$_.'2k3' -eq $false}

R2                                                                             2k3
--                                                                             ---
win32_quotalimitevent                                                        False
win32_quotathresholdevent                                                    False
win32_filescreenevent                                                        False
win32_quotaevent                                                             False

from there on it was easy, I just modified this script a bit :MSH Cluster Watcher script

now it looks like this,

# watch-QuotaEvent.msh 
# watches for WMI events
# parameters are prefilled for watching R2 FSRM events.  
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005 

'Param ($server = "server", $class = "win32_quotaevent")
Param ($server = "server", $class = "Win32_FileScreenEvent")

Function Main {
  "Watching $server, Press Any Key to Quit"
  trap {Break}

  # Make a WMI Connection to the R2 server

  $ms = new-object system.management.managementscope
  $ms.path = "\\$server\root\Cimv2"

  # Make Event Watcher

  $ew = new-object system.management.ManagementEventWatcher
  $ew.scope = $ms
  $ew.query = "SELECT * FROM $Class WITHIN 10"

  $opt = new-object System.Management.EventWatcherOptions
  $opt.Timeout = [timespan]::FromSeconds(1)
  $ew.options = $opt

  # Wait for event :

  while (!$host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable){
    $e = $null
    $e = $ew.WaitForNextEvent()
. main

you can use the parameters, but as a good admin is lazy, I just made 2 copies and prefilled the parameters ;-)

so in 10 Minutes (test-Quota where running already) I could catch Quota and Filescreen events in MSH like this :

MSH C:\MowMSH> .\FSWatch.msh
Watching Server, Press Any Key to Quit

FileScreenFlags      : 1
FileScreenGroup      : Audio and Video Files
FileScreenPath       : F:\MowTestData
FileScreenSystemPath : \\?\Volume{3afa528a-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\MowTestData
SourceFileOwner      :
SourceFileOwnerEmail :
SourceFileOwnerSid   :
SourceFilePath       : F:\MowTestData\test.mp3
SourceIoOwner        : Domain\Mow
SourceIoOwnerEmail   : mow001@hotmail.com
SourceIoOwnerSid     : S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx
SourceProcessId      : 4
SourceProcessImage   : System Process
TIME_CREATED         : 127819666365994053
__GENUS              : 2
__CLASS              : Win32_FileScreenEvent
__SUPERCLASS         : __ExtrinsicEvent
__DYNASTY            : __SystemClass
__RELPATH            :
__DERIVATION         : {__ExtrinsicEvent, __Event, __IndicationRelated, __SystemClass}
__SERVER             :
__NAMESPACE          :
__PATH               :


MSH C:\MowMSH> .\QuotaWatch.msh
Watching Server, Press Any Key to Quit

QuotaFlags           : 256
QuotaFree            : 191488
QuotaHighWaterMark   : 261952512
QuotaHighWaterTime   : 20060117120104.452558+060
QuotaLimit           : 262144000
QuotaOwner           :
QuotaOwnerEmail      :
QuotaOwnerSid        :
QuotaPath            : F:\MowTestData
QuotaSystemPath      : \\?\Volume{3afa528a-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\MowTestData
QuotaUsed            : 261952512
SourceFileOwner      :
SourceFileOwnerEmail :
SourceFileOwnerSid   :
SourceFilePath       : F:\MowTestData\Copy of srv03_r2_2075_usa_x86fre_adsr2.iso
SourceIoOwner        : domain\mow
SourceIoOwnerEmail   : mow001@hotmail.com
SourceIoOwnerSid     : S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx
SourceProcessId      : 4
SourceProcessImage   : System Process
TIME_CREATED         : 127819656645306841
__GENUS              : 2
__CLASS              : Win32_QuotaLimitEvent
__SUPERCLASS         : Win32_QuotaEvent
__DYNASTY            : __SystemClass
__RELPATH            :
__DERIVATION         : {Win32_QuotaEvent, __ExtrinsicEvent, __Event, __IndicationRelated, __SystemClass}
__SERVER             :
__NAMESPACE          :
__PATH               : 

this gives the possibility do handle the events a custom way,
a very powerfull capability.

as we are testing R2 FSRM for Quota management, it is likely we need to script some policies and reports also, this is also very powerfull but there are commandlinetools for it.

main reason is we need more flexibility in mail scheduling.
(Standard 1 hour) and policy configuration.

but the scripting possibilities of FSRM look very promising for this.

gr /\/\o\/\/

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