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Thursday, May 04, 2006


PowerShell How Can I Query a Text File and Retrieve Records That Occurred on a Specific Date?

When I did see todays Hey, Scripting Guy! question (and more answer)

Hey, Scripting Guy!
How Can I Query a Text File and Retrieve Records That Occurred on a Specific Date?

I could not resist :

Hey, PowerShelled Scripting Guy!

import-csv employees.txt |? {$_.HireDate -eq '3/1/2006'}

but to be honest I also use ADO a lot with CSV files from PowerShell, but mostly with a Dataset and a DataAdapter,

# with import-csv function

MowPS>import-csv employees.txt |? {$_.HireDate -eq '3/1/2006'}

LastName               FirstName              Department            HireDate
--------               ---------              ----------            --------
Myer                   Ken                    Finance               3/1/2006
Ackerman               Pilar                  Finance               3/1/2006

# With ADO (and 2 helper functions)

MowPS>. connect-csv (pwd)


MowPS>(get-DataTable "Employees#txt") |? {$_.HireDate -eq '3/1/2006'}

LastName               FirstName              Department            HireDate
--------               ---------              ----------            --------
Myer                   Ken                    Finance               3/1/2006 12:00:00 AM
Ackerman               Pilar                  Finance               3/1/2006 12:00:00 AM

in this case you see that it does not matter much, and for the ADO example I need 2 helper functions and it is outputting more or less doing the same, but in the second example I have the power of the .NET dataset and can make relations etc

for more info and the helper functions see :

working with CSV files in MSH (part one)

working with CSV files in MSH (part two)

And without the dataAdapter and dataset :

more Monad scripts, and a bit more CSV


gr /\/\o\/\/
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