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Thursday, October 19, 2006


PowerShell : 99-bottles-of-beer

I came at this page : 99-bottles-of-beer.net ,

I could not resist making and submitting a PowerShell example to it.
I came to this example :

# 99-bottles-of-beer

99..1 |% {("{0} bottle{1} of beer on the wall, {0} bottle{1} of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, {2} bottle{3} of beer on the wall.`n" -f 
$_,$(if ($_ -ne 1){"s"}),($_ -1),$(if ($_ -ne 2){"s"})).replace(' 0',' No more')}

Note, this sample does handle the bottle(s) and 0 = No More, to keep it at least a bit of a chalenge in PowerShell ;-).


Greetings, /\/\o\/\/
Tags : Monad PowerShell

Anonymous Anonymous
I believe you're missing a | character:

99..1 | % {}
Anonymous Anonymous
I believe you're missing a | character:

99..1 | % {}
Anonymous Anonymous
You have a bug which shows all '0' ending figures like 'No more' - eg '30 bottles' becomes '3No more bottles'. You can fix it by adding a leading space to the replacement strings: replace(' 0', ' No more').
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
Thx Both

I had some formatting problems again, the Spaces and Pipeline where lost, I did a repost

greetings /\/\o\/\/
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