On CodePlex there is released a major update to PSCX (PowerShell Community Extensions) that I think folks will find very useful.
be sure to Check it out !!
PowerShell Community Extensions is a PowerShell Snapin that provides a
number of widely useful cmdlets. PSCX is not affliated with Microsoft
or the Windows PowerShell team at Microsoft. We are a few (at the moment)
passionate PowerShell users who wanted more cmdlets than Micorsoft was
able to deliver in v1.0. So we have taken it upon ourselves to create
some of those cmdlets and make them available to the community.
You can download it from:
If you run into problems please report them here:
The readme and about_pscx help topic you can find on the download page also, for you to check out what
is new in version 1.0.
The PSCX crew (Keith Hill, Alex Angelopoulos, Mabster, DBMsW, and MoW)
P.S. If you are passionate about PoSh and can contribute by writing C#
cmdlets, let us know. We're looking for more help.
Tags : PowerShell
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