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Sunday, November 13, 2005


Enhanced More Function for MSH

As you may have noticed the more command support in MSH is a bit limited.

But most annoying :
if you use it the StatusMessageline will stay in your output. (Bahh)

<SPACE> next page; <CR> next line; Q quit
<SPACE> next page; <CR> next line; Q quit
<SPACE> next page; <CR> next line; Q quit
<SPACE> next page; <CR> next line; Q quit

if you look at the definition of the More function :

Function More {

if($args.length -ne 0)    {
       foreach ($local:file in $args)       {
          get-content $local:file | out-host -p       }    }
else { $input | out-host -p }

You can see it just uses Out-host to page the Content.

As I did realy not like the way the More command worked, I wrote a new one that behaves a bit more like the CMD more Command.

SO :

1) It will NOT leave his StatusMessages around messing up the output

2) It Will show the filePosition as Percentage

3) It supports the P Command that let's YOU give a number of lines

4) It Supports the = Command that gives you the current Linenumber

5) It Supports the F Command that skips to the next file.

6) It Supports the -C argument to clear the Screen First.

At the Moment it will only work for files that are given as an argument, if you use a pipeline to feed it, it will fail back to the "Old"-way (to let you see what you miss there ;-))

also the -E switch is Checked but not Implemented (I like it always Extended ;-))
I added it already because the script does check if there are "Non-Switch" parameters available.

gr /\/\o\/\/

# More.msh
# a MSH more function replacement.
# That works more like the CMD More Command.
# And does not leave his StatusMessages Around
#/\/\o\/\/ 2005

Function More {

  # Get Window Size

  $Lines = $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize.Height
  $width =  $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize.width

  if($args.length -ne 0) {

    # Switch Not used yet, Always in Extended Mode

    if ($args -eq '-e') {write-host "E param given"}
    if ($args -eq '-c') {cls}

    # check if InputFiles are given as Arguments

    $InParamsGiven = $False
    $Inparams = new-object system.collections.arraylist
    $args | foreach {if (([string]$_).substring(0,1) -ne '-') {$InParamGiven = $true;[void]$Inparams.add($_)}}

    # Inparms Given Process Them

    if ($InParamGiven = $true) {

     $Quit = $False 
     foreach ($file in $Inparams) {
        If ($Quit -eq $True){Break

        # Open File (Unbuffered to keep Position)
        $fs = (gi $file).OpenRead()
        $LineNumber = 0
        $eof = $False

        while ($eof -eq $False) {

          # use Stringbuilder to Store Page text

          $sb = new-object text.stringbuilder
          # Get needed Lines from Stream

          for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $lines ; $i++) {
            $byte = $Null
            while ($byte -ne 13) {
              $byte = $fs.readbyte()
              if ($byte -ne -1){[void]$sb.Append([char]$byte)}
              Else {$eof = $True;break}
            $LineNumber += 1
          write-host -no $sb.tostring()

          # If we are not ready Yet, Show status and wait for Orders

          if ($eof -eq $false) {

            # Calcultate Percentage and Make StatusString

            $Msg = "-- More ($([int]($fs.position / ($fs.length / 100)))%) --"
            $row = $host.ui.rawui.NewBufferCellArray($msg,'gray','black')
            $pos = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition
            $rect = "system.management.automation.host.rectangle"
            $re = new-object $rect $pos.x,$pos.y,$width,$pos.y  

            # Get Old Data (only if reading new lines, so we do not copy status)
            if ($lines -ne 0) {$buffer = $host.ui.rawui.getbuffercontents($re)}

            #show Status, and wait for a Key

            Switch ([Console]::ReadKey($True).key) {

              "Enter" {$lines = 1

              "Spacebar" {$lines = $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize.Height - 1

              "P" {$pos.x = 20
                $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition = $pos
                $lines = read-host "Lines"
                $pos.x = 0 ; $pos.y = $pos.y - 1
                $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition = $pos
                $pos.y = $pos.y + 1

              "F" {$eof = $true;}

              "Q" {$eof = $true;$Quit = $true}

              "OemPlus" {$pos.x = 20
                $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition = $pos
                Write-host -no "[Line : $LineNumber]"
                $lines = 0
                $pos.x = 0
                $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition = $pos
                $pos.y = $pos.y + 1 
              Default {$lines = 0}

            #write back Old Data

        if ($eof -eq $true) {""}
    Else { #No Imparms 

      # still the Old way 
      $input | out-host -p
  }Else { # No Params

    # Still the old way
    $input | out-host -p


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