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Tuesday, November 08, 2005


This Month's line-break and Pipelines are Back

With a help from Wes Haggard on his COdeHTMLer forum (See also ColorCoding MSH scripts on blog ), I 'm able to fix the linebreak and pipeline problems.

The line breaks will stay on Blogger if you use the "Convert whitespace" Option, on CodeHTMLer(default is "Use tag")

Then Wes suggested to use | , the first time this also did not work, but as I posted from HTML-view the Second time it did Work, but anytime I choose to preview they are gone again. (real agressive Pipeline-Eater that blogger)
It's not realy nice having to post from HTML view, but I have a workaround at least.

I Converted, the Scripts of this Month (not the Small samples in the text),
and the MSH-Object Viewer.

you can see that the font is a bit bigger, when I have time I will convert the rest.
(plz. give me a week) until then you can past them in Wordpad first, I think there are no pipelines in them.

I'm glad when I have the reposting done and all the script pasting issues over with.
gr /\/\o\/\/

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