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Sunday, December 04, 2005


MSH Show-Byte Function

Sometimes you need read or set a options property that is a Byte.
then depending on the bits enabled in the byte options are On or Off.

but if you get the byte you will get a Number from 0 to 255.

the script below will create the Function show-Byte, that will show you a table of the Bits set, in the Byte Given.

So that you can easy see what properties are set.

You can use it like this :

MSH>show-byte 23
bn = Bit Number
bv = Bit Value
Wght = Bit Weight
value = Value
bn bv Wght value
7││0││128││ 0
6││0││ 64││ 0
5││0││ 32││ 0
4││1││ 16││ 16
3││0││ 8││ 0
2││1││ 4││ 4
1││1││ 2││ 2
0││1││ 1││ 1
Total: 23

in this example you can see that a value of 23 means that option 0,1,2 and 4, are enabled.


gr /\/\o\/\/

function Show-Byte ([byte]$byte) {
  $bits = @(1);$(for ($i = 1 ; $i -lt 8; $i++) {$bits += [int][math]::pow(2,$i)})
  $bitArray = @()
  $ValArray = @()
  $bits | sort -desc | foreach {
    if (($byte / $_) -ge 1){
      $ValArray += $_
      $bitArray += 1 
      $byte -= $_
      $bitArray += 0
      $ValArray += 0
  # Generate Byte Table
  "bn = Bit Number"
  "bv = Bit Value"
  "Wght = Bit Weight"
  "value = Value"
  "bn bv Wght value"
  for ($i = 7 ; $i -ge 0 ;$i--){
    $ShowArray = @"
│$i││$($bitArray[(7 - $i)])││$(($bits[$i]).tostring().padleft(3))││$(($ValArray[(7 - $i)]).tostring().padleft(3))│
  "            ───"
  "Total:      $((($ValArray | measure-object -sum).sum).tostring().padleft(3))"

Blogger /\/\o\/\/
if you get this error :

Unrecognized token in source text.
At line:24 char:18
+ $ShowArray = @ <<<< "

remove a Space after :

$ShowArray = @"

then it will Work.

gr /\/\o\/\/

PS it also look like in some RSS readers, Some part of the text is missing (in mine Thunderbird for example) from the place where the first special characters come, please use the site then.
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
Made it in a One-liner :

MSH>$b = 23 ; for ($i=0;$i -lt 8;$i++){if ($b -band $bits[$i]) {"$i Set"} else {"$i"} }
0 Set
1 Set
2 Set
4 Set

how I came to this and the impact on the AD logonTimes script (Next post) I will blog about tomorrow

(Oops Later today ;-)

gr /\/\o\/\/
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