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Monday, January 23, 2006


get a Users LastLogontime and Domaincontroller from MSH

This script will check all Domaincontrollers for the lastlogontime of a user.

I started this script a while ago (see Monad(MSH) Beta 3 is getting closer ), after this (How can I determine the last time a user logged on to Active Directory? ) scripting guys article.

I wanted to do this in 4 lines from MSH, but I had some problems getting the IADsLargeInteger value (the LastLogon property is stored like one), but as I have written a Snap-in for this, (See
MSH snap-in to Translate IADsLargeInteger to Int64 ), I could now finish it.

This script is not 4 lines, first for readability, and I decided to do some timing in the script also.

the script will list the last logontime from every domaincontroller and keeps a counter running that keeps the time, as I was running this on a worldwide 200 + DC's Domain, I was interested in timing this.

the Output looks like this :

00:00 Site172DC002.Domain.mow.com Never
00:00 Site173dc002.Domain.mow.com Never
00:00 Site172dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
00:03 Site101dc000.Domain.mow.com Never
06:25 Site101dc002.Domain.mow.com 2005-12-27 13:40:45
06:25 Site101dc001.Domain.mow.com 2005-12-27 13:41:25
06:25 Site102dc000.Domain.mow.com Never
06:25 Site105dc002.Domain.mow.com Never
06:27 Site107dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:30 Site123dc000.Domain.mow.com Never
06:35 Site143dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:39 Site153dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:41 Site163dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:42 Site101dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:43 Site105dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:45 Site144dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:45 Site108dc002.Domain.mow.com 2006-01-23 12:10:35
06:45 Site154dc000.Domain.mow.com Never
06:46 Site113dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:46 Site183dc001.Domain.mow.com Never
06:46 Site133dc001.Domain.mow.com Never

Checked 231 DC's for CN=Mow08946,OU=Users,OU=MowOU,DC=Domain,DC=Mow,DC=com in 06:47 Minutes

Server Last Logon : Site108dc002.Domain.mow.com at 2006-01-23 12:10:35 

(ofcourse I scrabled this a bit, any double DC's are my mistake, not Monads ;-) )

the final script looks like this :

# Check-LastLogon.MSH  
# check all Domaincontrollers for the lastlogontime of a user 
# Uses the Get-IADsLargeInteger Snapin you can find here :
# http://mow001.blogspot.com/2006/01/msh-snap-in-to-translate.html
# /\/\o\/\/ 2006  
# http://mow001.blogspot.com 

# fill in full DN of user

$DN = "CN=Mow08946,OU=Users,OU=MowOU,DC=Domain,DC=Mow,DC=com"

# Gets UTC offset to translate lastlogon time from UTC to local
$UtcOffset = [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset($(get-date)).hours

# Get All Domaincontrollers 

$dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::getcurrentdomain()
$dcs = $dom.DomainControllers

# Add stopWatch for Timing

$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

# Find Lastlogon times 

[dateTime]$MaxLogon = "1-1-1980"
$dcs | foreach {

    # Connect to Domain Controller 

    $de = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($_.name)/$DN")
    # here we do some translations to get the LargeInterger to a Local DateTime Object

    $LastLogon = "Never"
    $LastLogon = ([datetime]::FromFileTime((Get-IADsLargeInteger $de.get_Properties()["LastLogon"].Value))).AddHours($UtcOffset)

   # Display Time-running DC name and Time 

   $timeRunning = [datetime]::parse($sw.Elapsed).tostring("mm:ss")
   "$TimeRunning $($_.name) $LastLogon"

   # update $maxlogon if found date is later

   if ($maxlogon -lt $LastLogon) {$maxlogon = $LastLogon;$LastServer = $_.name}

# Stop Timing 

$timeRunning = [datetime]::parse($sw.Elapsed).tostring("mm:ss")

# Display Summary

"`nChecked $($dcs.count) DC's for $dn in $timeRunning Minutes"
"`nServer Last Logon : $LastServer at $maxlogon" 

what did you say !!, ... 5 Lines ???

Oops, I overdid the commenting since then LOL :-)

but, remember the scripting guys example only outputs the lastlogon time in the end,
if you remove the comments, timekeeping and status output there is not much left ;-)

$DN = "CN=Mow08946,OU=Users,OU=MowOU,DC=Domain,DC=Mow,DC=com"
$UtcOffset = [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset($(get-date)).hours
$dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::getcurrentdomain()
$dcs = $dom.DomainControllers
[dateTime]$MaxLogon = "1-1-1980";$dcs | foreach {trap{continue};$de = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($_.name)/$DN")
    $LastLogon = ([datetime]::FromFileTime((Get-IADsLargeInteger $de.get_Properties()["LastLogon"].Value))).AddHours($UtcOffset)
    if ($maxlogon -lt $LastLogon) {$maxlogon = $LastLogon;$LastServer = $_.name}


gr /\/\o\/\/
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