/\/\o\/\/ PowerShelled

This blog has moved to http://ThePowerShellGuy.com Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Some more Windows PowerShell Links and info.

While we are waiting for the RC Download to appear (could be any minute now) ,

*EDIT* the RC1 Bits are there ! (See links last post)

The first post is in on the new Windows PowerShell Blog about the MMS Keynote,
With this first post the Monad Team blog has moved to this new location.

and I forgot to mention that we will get a Windows PowerShell Portal,
(not live yet but should be at http://www.microsoft.com/powershell )

Also on TG Daily this article about Windows PowerShell ,

And if you download and install the new Bits, do not start regedit to soon ...,

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

... might do the trick ;-)

but on the other hand I think we have some renaming to do the get the old profile and scripts functioning again, as there are a lot of naming changes in the extensions, profile locations and CMDlets.

Hence, if you have a lot of scripts or it will take a bit more time as with last upgrades to get the custom Power back to the Shell again ;-).

and if you run the New bits, try to hit tab after a command and a minus-sign

Eg :

Get-Command -[tab]

Get-Command -Verb

this is a great way to explore the possible arguments of a CMDlet, without the need to use get-help.

this did bring me this :

Get-Command -TotalCount 3

Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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