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Thursday, May 11, 2006


PowerShell make a drive of an UNC path

I see a lot of post lately about using wscript.Network to make a networkmapping,
like this :

$net = $(New-Object -Com WScript.Network)
$net.MapNetworkDrive("u:", "\\computer\share")

e.g. here :

Can you map a drive with PowerShell?

and here.


but there is a more native way to do this on PowerShell,

*edit* but as Jacques (links to French blog janel) pointed out to me in the comments, this is only valid for the PowerShell so you can not use it to map a drive and use it from the CMD prompt or the GUI (what is a big difference ) but if you use it in the powershell it has a lot of power as naming the drive with more letters, a path, or mapping to a registrykey.

New-PSDrive HKCR Registry -root

or a registry path e.g. the PowerShell configuration

New-PSDrive PsConfig Registry -root

and ofcourse as mentioned an UNC path :

just type new-PsDrive and you can make an PowerShell drive of a Networkshare :


cmdlet new-psdrive at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

Name: u
PSProvider: filesystem
Root: \\Computer\share

Name Provider Root
---- -------- ----
u FileSystem \\Computer\share

gr /\/\o\/\/
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Anonymous Anonymous
The limitation with new-psdrive in this context is that the mapped drive will only be accessible from within the PowerShell runspace that created it, whereas the MapNetworkDrive method will expose the mapped drive to the whole system.
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
Good Point,
I missed that difference.

Thanks for the Comment

Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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