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Greetings /\/\o\/\/
*Warning* As you have RC2 Installed all my AD posts will not work anymore, it is verry confusing, but fixable if you read explaination here PowerShell RC2 and Active Directory :
As I did switch back on all my work PC's (I did call all my colleagues not to upgrade as all our AD tools are messed up, I will not update them, as I would not recommend to upgrade to RC2 of you work with AD a lot.
In this seventh part of this AD series, we will expand the filter a little,but first we need to provide the properties,so we need to fill the CSV file a bit more with the fields needed.
You can just start-up excel to edit it but here I will use some more powershell onliners to fill them from the results of the export I did of some of the users I created from the adventureworks sample DB for my demosetup and did export in in
PowerShell and Active Directory Part 5 , I did place get content to show what the current content is and will go on from there, using the onliners on the commandline to fill them, but you can also use the Ken Meyer user we created also in that post with the MMC and exported that onle is allready complete(for now). for more about CSV handling see
more Monad scripts, and a bit more CSV and the links there for my CSV series.
# use invoke-item (ii) to invoke Excel to edit
PoSH>ii modUsers.csv
# the file with six test users i have now
PoSH>cat modUsers.csv
NewUser0003,"Roberto Tamburello","Engineering - Roberto Tamburello",,,Roberto,,Tamburello,Engineering,,,,,,,
NewUser0009,"Gail A Erickson","Engineering - Gail A Erickson",,,Gail,,Erickson,Engineering,,,,,,,
NewUser0011,"Jossef H Goldberg","Engineering - Jossef H Goldberg",,,Jossef,,Goldberg,Engineering,,,,,,,
NewUser0012,"Terri Lee Duffy","Engineering - Terri Lee Duffy",,,Terri,,Duffy,Engineering,,,,,,,
NewUser0267,"Michael I Sullivan","Engineering - Michael I Sullivan",,,Michael,,Sullivan,Engineering,,,,,,,
NewUser0270,"Sharon B Salavaria","Engineering - Sharon B
# set some properties
PoSH>$newusers |% {$_.HomeDir = "H:"}
PoSH>$newusers |% {$_.Company = "PoSH works"}
PoSH>$newusers |% {$_.LogonScript = "Logon.cmd"}
PoSH>$newusers |% {$_.HomeDrive = "H:"}
PoSH>$newusers |% {$_.HomeDir = "\\mowdc001\home$\$($"}
# show first user
Name : NewUser0003
displayName : Roberto Tamburello
Description : Engineering - Roberto Tamburello
Room :
Telephone :
FirstName : Roberto
Initials :
LastName : Tamburello
Department : Engineering
Company : PoSH works
HomeDir : H:
HomeDrive : \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0003
LogonScript : Logon.cmd
Accountname :
Mail :
OU :
# fill some rooms
PoSH>1..3 |% {$newUsers[$_].room = "room $_"}
# try some formating on the mailaddress
PoSH>$newUsers |% {"{0}.{1}" -f $_.Firstname,$_.LastName}
PoSH>$newUsers |% {"{0}.{1}" -f $_.Firstname.Substring(0,1),$_.LastName}
# fill that also
PoSH>$newUsers |% {$_.mail = ("{0}.{1}" -f $_.Firstname.Substring(0,1),$_.LastName)}
PoSH>$newUsers | ft name,room,mail -a
Name Room Mail
---- ---- ----
NewUser0009 room 1
NewUser0011 room 2
NewUser0012 room 3
Ok enough CSV handling and looping tricks, lets get back AD that we are here fore and to the script to create.
In the following script I addded the following :
- Displayname
I did work out 3 possiblities for that,
1 it was given in the CSV file, so we just fill it
2 It was not given but we have a firstname and lastname so we generate it (as the MMC does)
3 displayname first and last name or not given set it to the name
- Some other otional properties
- if homeDirectory is given the Creating of homedirectories (as the MMC does)
- setting the initial password
- useraccount control to 512 (default) to setenabled (see former posts)
the filter now looks like this :
filter new-AdUser ([System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]$importOU){
# check for name field :
if ($_.Name) {$CN= $} Else {throw "Name is Mandatory"}
# Use default OU or connect to OU given in CSV file
if ($_.OU) {
$OU = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($_.OU)")
Else {
$OU = $ImportOU
# create the new user :
Write-host -fore "Yellow" "Creating $($"
$NewUser = $ou.get_Children().add("CN=$($",'user')
# If accountname is not given make it same as CN
if ($_.Accountname) {$newUser.sAMAccountName = $_.Accountname} Else {$newUser.sAMAccountName = $}
# Process DisplayName
if ($_.DisplayName) {
# displayname given so use that
$newUser.DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
ElseIf ($_.firstname -and $_.lastname) {
# no displayname but lastname and firstname given generate Displayname
$newUser.DisplayName = "$($_.LastName), $($_.FirstName) $($_.Initials)"
Else {
# just use the UserName
$newUser.DisplayName = $_.Name
# Fill Other Properties if given :
if ($_.Firstname) {$newUser.GivenName = $_.Firstname}
if ($_.Lastname) {$newUser.SN = $_.LastName}
if ($_.Initials) {$newUser.Initials = $_.Initials}
if ($_.Description) {$newUser.Description = $_.Description}
if ($_.Room) {$newUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $_.Room}
if ($_.Telephone) {$newUser.telephoneNumber = $_.Telephone}
if ($_.Department) {$newUser.Department = $_.Department}
if ($_.Mail) {$newUser.Mail = $_.Mail}
if ($_.HomeDrive) {$newUser.HomeDrive = $_.HomeDrive}
# Fill HomeDir and try to create the folder
if ($_.HomeDir) {
$newUser.homeDirectory = $_.HomeDir
# check if homeDir does exist, and if its possible to create
if (Test-Path $_.HomeDir) {
"HomeDir Does Exist"
Else {
if (split-Path $_.HomeDir -Parent) {
"Parent Found, Share $($_.HomeDir) can be created"
$ud = md $_.HomeDir
$ar = new-object Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($,'Modify, Synchronize','ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit','none','Allow')
$ac = $ud.GetAccessControl()
Set-Acl $ud $ac
"$(split-Path $_.HomeDir -Parent) not Found, Create share Manual"
if ($_.LogonScript) {$newUser.scriptPath = $_.LogonScript}
# set initial password and force user to change it at first logon
$newUser.pwdLastSet = 0
# Enable User
$newUser.userAccountControl = 512
note that as this is a filter not a script or function yet so all the code gets executed for every record,
we will change that in next post as for the other things I want to do I want to add some code that will only run once,
and we will add some more properties and errorhandling you will see the differance and use of this in next post also and work on the output.
the output looks like this :
PoSH>$mowou.get_Children() |? {$ -like "NewUser*"} |% {$mowou.get_Children().Remove($_)}
PoSH>$newusers | new-aduser $mowou
Creating NewUser0003
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0003 can be created
Creating NewUser0009
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0009 can be created
Creating NewUser0011
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0011 can be created
Creating NewUser0012
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0012 can be created
Creating NewUser0267
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0267 can be created
Creating NewUser0270
Parent Found, Share \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0270 can be created
# only the basic errorhandling (270 user allready exists)
PoSH>$mowou.get_Children() |? {$ -like "NewUser*"} |% {$mowou.get_Children().Remove($_)}
PoSH>$newusers | new-aduser $mowou
Creating NewUser0003
HomeDir Does Exist
Creating NewUser0009
HomeDir Does Exist
Creating NewUser0011
HomeDir Does Exist
Creating NewUser0012
HomeDir Does Exist
Creating NewUser0267
HomeDir Does Exist
Creating NewUser0270
Exception calling "CommitChanges" with "0" argument(s): "The object already exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80071392
At line:14 char:25
+ $NewUser.commitChanges( <<<< )
Exception setting "sAMAccountName": "A constraint violation occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007202F)"
At line:16 char:81
+ if ($_.Accountname) {$newUser.sAMAccountName = $_.Accountname} Else {$newUser.s <<<< AMAccountName = $}
Exception calling "CommitChanges" with "0" argument(s): "A constraint violation occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80
At line:17 char:25
+ $NewUser.commitChanges( <<<< )
Exception setting "DisplayName": "A constraint violation occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007202F)"
At line:21 char:14
+ $newUser.D <<<< isplayName = $_.DisplayName
Exception setting "GivenName": "A constraint violation occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007202F)"
At line:32 char:31
+ if ($_.Firstname) {$newUser.G <<<< ivenName = $_.Firstname}
Exception setting "SN": "A constraint violation occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007202F)"
At line:33 char:30
+ if ($_.Lastname) {$newUser.S <<<< N = $_.LastName}
# and the result
PoSH>$mowou.get_Children() |? {$ -match 'NewUser'} | format-aduser | ft
Name displayName Description Room Telephone FirstName Initials LastName Department Company
---- ----------- ----------- ---- --------- --------- -------- -------- ---------- -------
NewUser0003 Roberto ... Engineer... {} {} Roberto {} Tamburello Engineering {}
NewUser0009 Gail A E... Engineer... room 1 {} Gail {} Erickson Engineering {}
NewUser0011 Jossef H... Engineer... room 2 {} Jossef {} Goldberg Engineering {}
NewUser0012 Terri Le... Engineer... room 3 {} Terri {} Duffy Engineering {}
NewUser0267 Michael ... Engineer... {} {} Michael {} Sullivan Engineering {}
PoSH>($mowou.get_Children() |? {$ -match 'NewUser'} | format-aduser)[0]
Name : NewUser0003
displayName : Roberto Tamburello
Description : Engineering - Roberto Tamburello
Room : {}
Telephone : {}
FirstName : Roberto
Initials : {}
LastName : Tamburello
Department : Engineering
Company : {}
HomeDir : \\mowdc001\home$\NewUser0003
HomeDrive : H:
LogonScript : Logon.cmd
Accountname : NewUser0003
Mail :
Note that I made one user in another OU and did not delete that user, every line will give his own error and everything is still triedand will fail we work on that also in next post, as for large numbers this is not handy but for a couple of users this doable.
I think all the AD stuff was covert in former posts, so I won't explain that again here and the rest of the filter is straight forward I think, except for setting the security on the directory I covert this before in this post :
Adding a Simple AccesRule to a file ACL in MSH and see the links in there for more info, so this is it for now.
greetings /\/\o\/\/
Tags :
Monad msh PowerShell
