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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


"Windows PowerShell: TFM" goes "Gold"

One question/remark I did hear very often at the IT Forum is about available books for PowerShell and about Editors for PowerShell .

Don Jones, from Sapiens, well know from the script Editor PrimalScript .  (PrimalScript 4.1 introduces support for Microsoft's Windows PowerShell! and did go RTM at the same time as PowerShell, at the IT Forum.!!)

But they do much more, as giving Scripting Training (also PowerShell) and Publishing (SAPIEN Press)

Also they cover a lot of PowerShell material online : - A blog http://sapien.eponym.com/blog, - Scripting /  PowerShell Forums :ScriptingAnswers.com  and a search engine with PowerShell support: SearchScripting.com


 Today Don Jones also did announce that the book he was writing  Windows PowerShell: TFM  has gone Gold, 

See the following message I got from him :

Jeff Hicks and I are very pleased to announce that Windows PowerShell: TFM is now “gold,” meaning the manuscript is complete and should be off to the printer’s sometime this week. We’re just waiting on the cover design to be completed. The manuscript checked in at 470 pages, including the index, meeting our target for a highly on-topic book that administrators will find approachable and comfortable to read.

Pre-orders are available on Amazon.com, and our first official sample chapters are posted, along with a complete table of contents (all in one PDF) on www.SAPIENPress.com/powershell.asp. The book’s sample scripts are also available now as a free download for one and all, whether they’ve purchased the book or not.

We hope to announce shipping and general availability dates in December.

Some quick facts:

- Almost 500 pages of Windows PowerShell-flavored goodness

- Walks a Windows admin through the PoSH learning process from the ground up

- Focuses on task completion, helping admins get the job done faster

- Chosen by more than 50% of Amazon.com customers shopping for a PoSH title

- Currently in the top 100,000 books on Amazon.com

- Book is supported personally by the authors through a forum on www.ScriptingAnswers.com.

I did not read the book yet,only the preview chapter I did post about before, but when I  do, I will do another post about my impression of the book but I'm very sure it will be a great read and this will be another  "Must have" Book about PowerShell, from the sample chapters, seeing all the PowerShell coverage and support they provide online, and of course the writer Don Jones,who did write very good scripting books before.

I had the pleasure to meet Don Jones 2 times, at TechEd Boston and on the IT forum, on both events he also did give some impressive Demos of the PowerShell support in PrimalScript.He is a great guy, a real Scripting and PowerShell Guru, a good presenter and very good in explaining and teaching. 

Hence, I'm sure I can recommend this book for learning PowerShell.

I also got the opportunity to, and did review the book from Bruce Payette that is available in the :Windows PowerShell in Action - EARLY ACCESS EDITION  program, I finished reading it in my vacation, and I really loved this book, it is well written, good examples, and lots of inside and background information, the book does focus on the language itself and how PowerShell is structured and why ,starting at the core, as there are some advanced concepts that lay at the base of how PowerShell works,.

The PowerShell in Action book is a "must Read" , I think it is a great book, one of the best technical books I did read ever , More in a later post


the RTM book is a different format and from another viewpoint, so it could be good combination, a more in a later post when I also did read TFM.

So next to the excellent documentation (getting started and UserGuide) that does come with the PowerShell installation (if you did not do that yet, be sure to check it out  !,  it is really great !!! )

There are, next to the books about Monad and MSH beta s :

Monad (PowerShell Beta) see :/\/\o\/\/ PowerShelled: Series about Monad on Computerworld ,

and Lee holmes (who is Member of the PowerShell team and also has a great powerShell blog ) wrote O'Reilly PowerShell Quick Reference (see also his Blog O'Reilly PowerShell Quick Reference Now Available )

and also we have the Free E-book Don Jones did before See /\/\o\/\/ PowerShelled: Powershell links and free E-book :

Now allreay two very books, to learn more about PowerShell (release), that you can get your hands on, and there are much more in the pipeline ,amongs others : Professional Windows from Andrew Watt , 

Andrew Watt is a MVP and  also is very active on the Newsgroup : microsoft.public.windows.powershell NewsGroup and also has a PowerShell blog : PowerShell Ponderings



Tags : PowerShell

Anonymous Anonymous
I am glad to see that there is a good amount of excitement around PowerShell early in it's lifecycle. In the early WSH days it was mostly missed by admins and developers so WSH didn't grow very quickly.

I am definitely eager to read many of the PowerShell books coming available. I had a chance to review an early copy of Windows PowerShell: TFM by Jeffery Hicks and Don Jones. It will be an excellent bootstrap for administrators getting started with PowerShell.
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
It sure is nice to see all the excitement.

I'm reviewing, and enjoying, the TFM book at the moment also, but not completed it yet.

the TFM book is more task oriented and aimed at admins.

I would recomment both books, as they have a different viewpoint.

Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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