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This blog has moved to http://ThePowerShellGuy.com Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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Saturday, December 23, 2006


PowerShell Code formatting test for my new Blog

I'm testing my new blog The PowerShell guy,

I post the same testpost here to compare

Testing codesamples for viewing and copying (do not link here, I will post this item again later after testing , in its final version with a permanent link)

I'm testing with IE7 and Bloglines, if you have problems pasting in the code on the old or new blog please leave a comment,

at the moment it looks like the The PowerShell guy

 blog does not have the formatting problems I have here

convert number to Roman notation

Function as PowerShell code (Pre tag CodeHTMLer)

# Convert Int to Roman notation
# /\/\o\/\/ 2006

function format-Roman ($num ) {

$M = [math]::truncate($num / 1000)
$num -= $M * 1000
$D = [math]::truncate($num / 500)
$num -= $D * 500
$C = [math]::truncate($num / 100)
$num -= $C * 100
$L = [math]::truncate($num / 50)
$num -= $L * 50
$X = [math]::truncate($num / 10)
$num -= $x * 10
$V = [math]::truncate($num / 5)
$num -= $V * 5

$Roman = "M" * $M
$Roman += "D" * $D
$Roman += "C" * $C
$Roman += "L" * $L
$Roman += "X" * $X
$Roman += "V" * $V
$Roman += "I" * $num

$roman = $roman.replace('DCCCC','CM') # 900
$roman = $roman.replace('CCCC','CD') # 400
$roman = $roman.replace('LXXXX','XC') # 90
$roman = $roman.replace('XXXX','XL') # 40
$roman = $roman.replace('VIIII','IX') # 9
$roman = $roman.replace('IIII','IV') # 4

Return $Roman


Commandline example (Block Quote)


PoSH>format-Roman 1987
PoSH>format-Roman 1999

PoSH>Update-TypeData C:\PowerShell\TypeData\TypedataInt32.ps1xml


format an Integer in Roman notation


Type extension as XML (convert whitespace, codehtmler)


<?xml version="1.0encoding="utf-8?> 
                    $num = $this

                    $M = [math]::truncate($num / 1000) 
                    $num -= $M * 1000 
                    $D = [math]::truncate($num / 500) 
                    $num -=  $D * 500 
                    $C = [math]::truncate($num / 100) 
                    $num -=  $C * 100 
                    $L = [math]::truncate($num / 50) 
                    $num -=  $L * 50 
                    $X = [math]::truncate($num / 10) 
                    $num -=  $x * 10 
                    $V = [math]::truncate($num / 5) 
                    $num -=  $V * 5
                    $Roman = "M" * $M
                    $Roman += "D" * $D
                    $Roman += "C" * $C
                    $Roman += "L" * $L
                    $Roman += "X" * $X
                    $Roman += "V" * $V
                    $Roman += "I" * $num
                    $roman = $roman.replace('DCCCC','CM') # 900
                    $roman = $roman.replace('CCCC','CD') # 400
                    $roman = $roman.replace('LXXXX','XC') # 90
                    $roman = $roman.replace('XXXX','XL') # 40
                    $roman = $roman.replace('VIIII','IX') # 9
                    $roman = $roman.replace('IIII','IV') # 4
                    Return $roman



* Edit * Added script again formatted by PowerShell analyzer


# Function Format-Roman
/\/\o\/\/ 006

# HTML Formatting Generated with PowerShell Analyzer

function format-Roman ($num ) {

$M = [math]::truncate($num / 1000)
$num -= $M * 1000
$D = [math]::truncate($num / 500)
$num -= $D * 500
$C = [math]::truncate($num / 100)
$num -= $C * 100
$L = [math]::truncate($num / 50)
$num -= $L * 50
$X = [math]::truncate($num / 10)
$num -= $x * 10
$V = [math]::truncate($num / 5)
$num -= $V * 5

$Roman = "M" * $M
$Roman += "D" * $D
$Roman += "C" * $C
$Roman += "L" * $L
$Roman += "X" * $X
$Roman += "V" * $V
$Roman += "I" * $num

$roman = $roman.replace('DCCCC','CM') # 900
$roman = $roman.replace('CCCC','CD') # 400
$roman = $roman.replace('LXXXX','XC') # 90
$roman = $roman.replace('XXXX','XL') # 40
$roman = $roman.replace('VIIII','IX') # 9
$roman = $roman.replace('IIII','IV') # 4




Enjoy, Greetings /\/\o\/\/


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