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Friday, November 18, 2005


MSH get-WmiMethodHelp (GWM) Update + format tips.

MSH get-WmiMethodHelp (GWM) function Update + format tips for the generated output.

In the 3 part series About Discovering WMI in MSH and Getting Help from WMI.

" Wmi-Help Part 1 " Getting All the WMI Classes and Descriptions in a HashTable (GetWmiClasses.MSH)

" WMI help Part 2 ",Getting Help on WMI classes, ( get-WmiHelp (GWH) Function)

" WMI help Part 3 (Methods) ", Getting Help on Methods and generating Sample Scripts.

I promised an update with better errorhandling,
, so now it looks like this :

No WMIClass given
MSH>get-WMIMethodHelp win32_share
No WMIMethod given
MSH>gwm win32_share foo
Method not found, Methods are :
MSH>gwm win32_shareCreate
No WMIMethod given
MSH>gwm win32_share Create
win32_share : Create :

The Create method initiates sharing for a server resource. Only members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group or those wit
h Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership can successfully execute Create. The Print operator can add only printer queues
. The Communication operator can add only communication device queues. The method returns an integer value that can be interpretted as foll
0 - Successful completion.
2 - The user does not have access to the requested information.


Much better I think ;-)

Also I added the -Computer Option to the Static Method Sample Script (it was there for the Non static but not for static),
and I added A Comment To make it more Clear what the Key Values you have to Provide are.

so the Generated script for Win32_share Delete will look like this :

# win32_share delete-Method Sample Script
# Created by Get-WmiMethodHelp
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005
# Fill InParams values before Executing
# InParams that are Remarked (#) are Optional

$Class = "win32_share"
$Method = "delete"
$Computer = "."
#win32_share Key Properties
$Name = [string]

$filter = "Name = '$Name'"
$MC = get-WMIObject $class -computer $Computer -filter $filter

$InParams = $mc.GetMethodParameters($Method)

"Calling win32_share : delete "

$R = $mc.InvokeMethod($Method,$Null)
"Result : "

(As explained in the original post the $inparms line stays even if there are no imparms, but as I was looking on errorhandling this Time, I did not want to change the flow,for this

Also I got some Formatting Tips for the Help-layout, of the Help part (of all 3 scripts) I did not change the output in the script,
but will paste the formatting tips below the script so you can pick what you like ;-)

gr /\/\o\/\/

--- The Updated script : ----------

# GetWmiMethodInfo.MSH (V2)
# Gets Method Parameters with descriptions from WMI class 
# it also Creates an Example script. 
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005 

Function get-WMIMethodHelp{ 
  Param ([string] $WmiClass = "",[string] $WmiMethod = "")   

  #Check Params 

  if ($wmiClass -eq "") {"No WMIClass given";Break
  if ($wmiMethod -eq "") {"No WMIMethod given";Break

  # Set Options 

  $opt = new-object system.management.ObjectGetOptions 
  $opt.UseAmendedQualifiers = $true 

  # Connect to Class

  $MS = new-object system.management.ManagementScope 
  $mc = $false
  If ($true) {
    Trap {Continue}
    $MC = new-object system.management.ManagementClass($MS,$WMIClass,$opt) 
  if ($mc -eq $false) {"WMI Class not found";Break}

  # Check if Method does Exist

  $M = $mc.Get_Methods() | foreach {$_.name}
  if ($m -ne $WMIMethod) {"Method not found, Methods are :";$m;Break}

  #make a stringBuilder to make a Template Script 

  $SB = new-Object text.stringbuilder 
  [void]$SB.Append('$Class = "') ; [void]$SB.AppendLine("$WMIClass`""
  [void]$SB.Append('$Method = "') ; [void]$SB.AppendLine("$WMIMethod`""

  # if Static Qualifier is not present then Method Needs Instance 

  $Q =  $mc.Get_Methods()[$WMIMethod].get_Qualifiers() | foreach {$_.name}
  $static = $Q -eq "Static"

  If ($static -eq $True) { 
    # MP is used to make it possible to choose a Computer in the generated Script   
    $MP = new-object system.management.ManagementPath($MS.Path.path) 

    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$MP = new-object system.management.ManagementPath'
    [void]$SB.Append('$MP.Server = "') ; [void]$SB.AppendLine("$($MP.Server)`""
    [void]$SB.Append('$MP.NamespacePath = "') ; [void]$SB.AppendLine("$($MP.NamespacePath)`""
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$MP.ClassName = $Class`n'
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$MC = new-object system.management.ManagementClass($MP)'

    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$Computer = "."'
    [void]$SB.AppendLine("`n#$wmiClass Key Properties :"
    # IF not static We need to provide The Key Properties to get the instance. 

    $Filter = "" 
    $mc.get_Properties() | foreach { 
      $Q = $_.get_Qualifiers() | foreach {$_.name}
      $key = $Q -eq "key"
      If ($key -eq $True) { 
        $CIMType = $_.get_Qualifiers()["Cimtype"].Value 
        [void]$SB.AppendLine("`$$($_.Name) = [$CIMType]"
        $Filter += "$($_.name) = `'`$$($_.name)`'"  

    [void]$SB.Append('`n$filter = ');[void]$SB.AppendLine("`"$filter`""
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$MC = get-WMIObject $class -computer $Computer -filter $filter`n'


  [void]$SB.AppendLine('$InParams = $mc.GetMethodParameters($Method)`n'

  # back to the Normal output  

  "$WMIClass : $WMIMethod :`n" 

   $q = $mc.Get_Methods()[$WMIMethod].get_Qualifiers() | foreach {$_.name}
   if ($q -eq "Description") {$mc.Get_Methods()[$WMIMethod].get_Qualifiers()["Description"].Value} 

  "`n$WMIMethod Parameters :" 
  # get the Parameters 
  $inParam = $mc.Get_Methods()[$WMIMethod].get_InParameters() 

  $HasParams = $False 
  if ($true) { 

    $inParam.get_Properties() | foreach { 
      $HasParams = $true 
      $Q = $_.get_Qualifiers() | foreach {$_.name}

      # if Optional Qualifier is not present then Parameter is Mandatory 
      $Optional = $q -eq "Optional"

      $CIMType = $_.get_Qualifiers()["Cimtype"].Value 
      "`nName = $($_.Name) `nType = $CIMType `nOptional = $Optional" 

      # write Parameters to Example script 

      if ($Optional -eq $TRUE) {[void]$SB.Append('# ')} 
      [void]$SB.Append('$InParams["');[void]$SB.Append("$($_.Name)`"] = ");[void]$SB.AppendLine("[$CIMType]"
      if ($q -eq "Description") {$_.get_Qualifiers()["Description"].Value} 

  # Call diferent Overload as Method has No Parameters 

  If ($HasParams -eq $True) { 
    [void]$SB.AppendLine("`n`"Calling $WMIClass : $WMIMethod with Parameters :`""
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('$inparams.get_properties() | select name,Value'
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('`n$R = $mc.InvokeMethod($Method, $inParams, $Null)'
    [void]$SB.AppendLine("`n`"Calling $WMIClass : $WMIMethod `""
    [void]$SB.AppendLine('`n$R = $mc.InvokeMethod($Method,$Null)'

  [void]$SB.AppendLine('`"Result : `"'

  # Write the Sample Script : 

  "`nSample Script :`n" 
  "# $WMIclass $WMIMethod-Method Sample Script" 
  "# Created by Get-WmiMethodHelp" 
  "# /\/\o\/\/ 2005" 
  "# Fill InParams values before Executing" 
  "# InParams that are Remarked (#) are Optional`n" 


set-alias gwm get-WMIMethodHelp

----- Formatting tip's for all 3 scripts :

Very nice indeed! BTW the output is a bit hard to follow because there is so much of it. I added a writeHighlightedText function which helps although is somewhat garish. :-) Note: Be sure to use only the limited set of colors found in System.ConsoleColor.


function writeHighlightedText {
param ([string] $text, [string] $bgColor = "DarkBlue", [string] $fgColor = "White")

$origBgColor = $host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor
$origFgColor = $host.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor
trap [Exception] {
$host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $origBgColor
$host.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor = $origFgColor

$host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $bgColor
$host.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor = $fgColor
$host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $origBgColor
$host.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor = $origFgColor

writeHighlightedText "`n$WMIClass :"

The other thing you could do is:

@($MO.get_properties()) |
format-table @{label="Name";expression={$_.Name}; Width=30 }, @{Label="Description"; expression={$_.qualifiers["Description"].Value + "`n"}} -wrap

This produces a reasonable table. Jim Truher has a nice WRAP-STRING function (which wraps on word boundaries) which would make this even nice.

Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]

the wordwrapping script Mentioned :

James Truher [MSFT] wrote:

> This is a little word wrapping script that I often use - no magic here, but I thought you might like it.
> # a text wrapper, it takes a width and string and an indent
> param ( [int]$width = 75, [string]$string, [int]$shift = 0)
> $words = $string.split(" ")
> $space = " "
> $space *= $shift
> $lw = 0
> $ww = $space
> foreach($w in $words)
> {
> $lw += $w.length + 1
> if($lw -gt $width)
> {
> $ww # write the object to the result stream
> $ww = $space
> $lw = 0 + $w.length + 1
> }
> $ww += "$w "
> }
> # be sure not to leave anything else behind
> $ww

A tip from /\/\o\/\/ on this ;-)

tip, if you want to fill-up the window, use $witdh like this

$width = $host.ui.rawui.buffersize.width - $shift


$width = $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize.width - $shift

as you don't know what the users settings are.

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