/\/\o\/\/ PowerShelled

This blog has moved to http://ThePowerShellGuy.com Greetings /\/\o\/\/
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Saturday, December 17, 2005


MSH Welcome screen

Add welcome.msh to the end of your profile to get a more colorful Welcome :

gr /\/\o\/\/

$MS = @'
         A#$BBBB$2     b#$BB$$$C ###$#n                                                                          .   ,7o88c               
         MMMMMMMMM    IMMMMMMMM7tMMMMMI                                                                            iMMMMMM# &@#@@   
        CMMMMMMMM&   ;MMMMMMMMM  ;i:ic                                                                             MMMMM6. nMMMMM       
        &MMMMMMMMM  .MMMMMMMMMS i....     cZ@@&@Ec    .0ZAAC :I$v  7QMMMMME;      ;Z@MMMMM&Z:      .o#MMMM@A,  .EI$MMMMM;.iMMMMMBCn inc
     #09U8E   W8IZ.  IQZUZB .$8A9W     vQMMMM#n.   i$ZAEA       .A&MMM&W7      .XWMMMMM&#z.      :b&MMM&0Y     7WAAbb     Yz8Q$S     
$Shell = @'
          ...                                                                      i7           ...      tv                .t,   1c      
      .zMM#cEQMQ                                                                 .QMM.       iMMX;MMM  vMMM               tMM@ iMMM      
     .MM#     C,                                                                   MM       :MM#   :M   EMM                MMb  8MM      
     MMM            iB0M@:   :&WbMMY.@M@.  .n&8$M@.YMM0   .7MnBA   :@#ZMMn   .o&1ncMM        MMMi       zMMn&M7   .9&&;    MM6  SMM       
     MM@           MM7 ;MM# ,MMM,iMM&.8MM. YMMM.QMMn.MMM  MM8 MM$ ,MMMi,MM0 :MM.  SMM         9MMMM:    oMM.iMMz ;MM.1MM   MMA  1MM      
     MMM          @M@   .MM  SMM  MMC  MM.  MMi  MM  YMM   .i6MM#  YMM  &MW &MW    MM           ;&MMM   zM&  MMA MMW ,MM:  MM6  1MM      
     tMM7      ,. &M$    MM  7MM  MM7  MM   MM;  MM  cMM  zMM 9M0  ;MM  @M9 BM&    MM       .U    cMM$  tMM  MMX MMB       &MU  CMM      
      bMMM9:i:QM,  MMW  MM,  QMM  MM# .MM;  MMQ .MM, 0MM  MM& MMM  6MM  MM&  MMMY zMMi      YMM.  tMM   $MM  MMW  MMMoIM2  MM&  BMM       
        ,&M@&0i     vM90i   :EbQtYZbQ;SZ0Q Y88Q;S909i9ZQo  XQt.8W,.ZZ0Sv9Z0,  ;&&1:A        .WbW7;9.   :EbQCY9b0.  ;#&E,  7EEB:.bZW2  
Write-Host -fore "Blue" $ms
Write-Host -fore "Red" $shell
$d = [system.threading.thread]::getdomain()
$d.SetPrincipalPolicy([ System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy]::WindowsPrincipal)
$p = [system.threading.thread]::currentPrincipal
$u = $p.identity.get_user()
Write-Host -fore "White" "`nWelcome $($u.Translate([system.security.principal.ntaccount])),`nIt's $(get-date) and Monad is at your Service`n"

Blogger /\/\o\/\/
if you get errrors remove spaces after @' sign

gr /\/\o\/\/

PS. Yep was a bit bored.
Blogger Tommy
I noticed in something Thomas Lee posted that you can also get current user by using:


Also, I found the version number formats nicely with:

$host.version | foreach { write-host $_"." }

Thanks for your posts!
Blogger /\/\o\/\/
>Tommy said...
>I noticed in something Thomas Lee >posted that you can also get >current user by using:


Yep, your right, I just copied this part from somewhere I actualy needed a real Principal for this purpose (only displaying) grabbing a Env var is as handy, i Just liked the ASCI art and wrote a quick script around it.

>Also, I found the version number >formats nicely with:

>$host.version | foreach { write-host $_"." }

this will do the same ;-)


embedded in a sting the ToString method will be called, so it is the same as this :


>Thanks for your posts!

glad you like them, and thanks for your reaction.
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