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Friday, February 17, 2006


Monad Links

As Beta 3 arrived the Monad activity on the web gets more and,
I will link some, I did see and think are nice,

Line Editing in MSH,

The alternate Monad shell jaMSH “Jeff’s Alternative Monad SHell”, is becoming a Snapin :
See : jaMSH is no more. Long live lemonade

so you can load it and get advanced lineediting capabilities, sounds real cool !.

I did not try it before, as I was first getting used to MSH in the "normal" console (familuar ;-)
As I 'm busy on my own "Hosting project", I just wanted to give it a look, when I did see the post about lemonade, as it is not posted yet, I I downloaded but jaMSH I could not get itinstalled on beta 3.

talking about hosting MSH,

Lee posted, the final MSH logo version, very cool.
see : MSH Logo – allowing users to extend its functionality

Also try the Examples !!

as I said before (Monad hosting )I waited for this post as I was fighting with access to host objects, but I was looking in the wrong direction (passing assembly), I will go on with Lee's example more about that later.

Also I liked this series because it did remember me about those old school day's.

Great work Lee !

Next, I did see a lot of posts on the Monad team blog,

today about the Names enforcement :
Monad breaking change announcement: Approved verb names enforcement.
(last chance to vote ;-)

Write-Progress, with a link to Tony's blog ( MSH for fun) using a biology web service.
he is also doing a great series about security next to the ACL entrys I metioned before :

group membership :
Groups Command in MSH: Get-WindowsIdentity cmdlet
a very cool one about getting Owners of processes
Add-ProcessOwner cmdlet (update)
Credentials :
A Clone of id/whoami in MSH
Survival as a Non-Administrator: A Monad view
Tired of Typing Administrator’s Password Repeatedly?
and Lee's additions
Caching credentials for administrative tasks

and some more on the Monad Team blog:

Using and finding .NET Objects in MSH : .NET types
Very nice article with a lot of good tips : Finding which parameters are used the most

also so good monad examples on Keith Hill's Blog in :
MSH: If "Scheme is Love" and "Lisp is Sin", then MSH must be what - "a promising first date"?
MSH: Analyzing Visual C# Project Files

and a whole series about Snap-in's
Adding help for cmdlets in a MshSnapIn (this is only the last one you will find some more here)

then, the next one,

Printing and scaling an Image in Monad
A very cool printing example by DBMWS on MonadBlog
"[MSH] Clipboard Snapin..."

On the LazyAdmin.com some posts about amongs others WMI / Profiles / get-history
MSH (Monad) (6)

Exchange : on Glen's Exchange Dev Blog :
Oversize mail reporting with Monad

also interesting :

Mentioned befor but now complete series about Monad in computerworld :
Hands On: Learning Monad, the scripting language for Windows Vista

I'm sure I missed some, and someI should have mentioned but forget where to find.
but I hope this list is usefull, I think this a bunch of good info about Monad,
sorry, for the ones I missed.


greetings /\/\o\/\/
Tags :

PS *edit * Blogger was gone for a long time as I tryed to post this,
some more as an hour I was sweating , but it did survive pfff

I need to get into RSS publishing sometime, to do this offline, as this blogger interface gives me to much problems.

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