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Monday, August 28, 2006


PowerShell and Active Directory Part 9 (nested groups)

In this entry I will show how you can use a recursive script to get the all members of a group, including the members that are in nested groups.

Note that the script will not handle groups with more as 1000 (W2K) or 1500 (W2K3) users,
as this is the maximum the Members property will enumerate.
If you have groups that are bigger you need to adapt the script to do a paged search for examples how to do this see :Large AD queries in Monad

The script looks like this :

# Function get-NestedMembers
# List the members of a group including all nested members of subgroups
# /\/\o\/\/ 2006

function get-NestedMembers ($group){ 
  if ($group.objectclass[1] -eq 'group') { 
        write-verbose "Group $($group.cn)" 
    $Group.member |% { 
      $de = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://$_"
      if ($de.objectclass[1] -eq 'group') { 
        get-NestedMembers $de 
      Else { 
  Else {
    Throw "$group is not a group"

Note that I did add the groupname as a Write-Verbose, so it will only show in verbose mode and in verbose mode will only be displayed not passed on to the pipeline , also it will show users that are member of more groups as often as they get found, as show in the examples below you can use group or sort -unique to get a list of them or to only show the users / computers found in more groups once.

# get-NestedMembers usage examples :
# get a group

$group = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://cn=MainGroup,OU=Groups,DC=mow,DC=Local")

# Get all nested members

get-NestedMembers $group


# Show current verbose mode :


# Enable Verbose Mode :

$VerbosePreference = 'continue'

get-NestedMembers $group

VERBOSE: Group MainGroup
VERBOSE: Group SubGroup

# Disable Verbose Mode again :

$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

# Group the output to get the doubles
get-NestedMembers $group | group

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
    1 User1                  {User1}
    2 User2                  {User2, User2}
    1 User3                  {User3}

# Use sort -Unique to get every user only once

get-NestedMembers $group | sort -Unique



Greetings, /\/\o\/\/
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