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Saturday, November 19, 2005


MSH Minesweeper GUI game

I after, my Thow Dices in MSH (Sttt, it originaly started as Yath, but was downgraded on the way ;-)

and ofcource after seeing the famious Alien game in MSH (I won't add another link here, but I'm sure you can find it)

I was thinking about making a simple GUI game in MSH.
(also Snake crossed my mind before, but i think i did hear of a Monad team internal version of that !?)

So I could not realy think of a simle example game, for awile.

Then today minesweeper crossed my mind as easy to make without a GUI-editor for the form.
(think did see it as a Kix-forms example before)

so I came to the script below,

It it is very basic, (even the level parameters are in the script),
I already added a Menu to make it easy to add them there, I only added the Quit Item as an example, but it would be easy to extend with a "level" and "new" option for example.

b.t.w. notice I used the New .NET MenuStrip instead of the .net 1.1 Menu-style as I used here, MSH directory watcher with popup-balloon , as it makes you more fexible in make-ing the menu . (for example add the Smily as in the original ;-)

Also you will not lose if you click a Mine, but this is also easy to add in this Block (in the Function DoClear)

if ($map[$num].tag -eq "x") {
$map[$num].text = "x"
$map[$num].BackColor = "red"


gr /\/\o\/\/

# Mines.msh 
# very basic MineSweeper GUI game in MSH
# /\/\o\/\/ 2005 

# Level Parameters :
$rows = 16
$Cols = 16
$Mines = 40

# Build Form 

$form = new-object System.Windows.Forms.form
$Form.text = "/\/\o\/\/'s MSH Minesweeper"

# Build Menu (Only Quit now, but easy to add Level Etc.) 

$MS = new-object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
$Mi = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem("&File")

$Msi1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem("&Quit")


# Needed here for An Other Thread error when buttoncolection added to form.

$Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$form.width = ($rows * 25) + 20
$form.Height = ($Cols * 25) + 70   

# container for buttons that make up MineField

[System.Windows.Forms.Control[]]$Map = @()

# this Function is Used by the Button click event to clear a Field

Function DoClear {
  $num = $args[0]
  $C = $num % $rows
  $R = [math]::truncate($num/$rows)
  If ($map[$num].enabled -eq $true) {
    if ($map[$num].tag -eq "x") {
       $map[$num].text = "x"
       $map[$num].BackColor = "red"
    Else {
      $map[$num].BackColor = "DarkGray"
      $map[$num].FlatStyle = 'Flat'
      $map[$num].Enabled = $false
      if ($map[$num].tag -ne 0) {
        $map[$num].text = $map[$num].tag
      Else {
        if ($C -gt 0) {
          doClear ($num - 1 )
          if ($R -gt 0) {
            doClear (($num - $Cols) - 1)
        if ($C -lt ($Cols - 1)) {
          doClear ($num + 1)
          if ($R -gt 0) {
            doClear (($num - $Cols) + 1)
        if ($R -gt 0) {
          doClear ($num - $cols)
        if ($R -lt ($rows -1)) {
          doClear ($num + $cols)
          if ($C -gt 0) {
            doClear (($num + $Cols) - 1)
          if ($C -lt ($Cols - 1)) {
            doClear (($num + $Cols) + 1)

# Create the MineField (array of Buttons)

for ($i = 0;$i -lt $rows;$i++) 
  $row = @()
  for ($j = 0;$j -lt $Cols;$j++) 
    $Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $Button.width = 25
    $Button.Height = 25
    $button.top = ($i * 25) + 25
    $button.Left = $j * 25
    $button.Name = ($i * $cols) + $j
    $Button.tag = "0"
      [int]$num = $this.name
      DoClear $num 

    $button.font = new-object system.drawing.font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10,'bold')
    $Row += $Button
  $Map += $row


# this Function is used to update the fields surrounding mines count

Function DoRaise{
  [int]$Cell = $args[0
  if ($map[$cell].tag -ne "x"){
    $n = [int]$map[$cell].tag
    $n += 1
    $map[$cell].tag = $n

# throw some Mines 

$Random = new-object system.random([datetime]::now.Millisecond)
for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $Mines) {
  $num = $random.next($map.count)
  if ( $map[$num].tag -ne "x") {
    $map[$num].tag = "x"
    $C = $num % $rows
    $R = [math]::truncate($num/$rows)

    if ($C -gt 0) {
      doRaise ($num - 1)
      if ($R -gt 0) {
        doRaise (($num - $Cols) - 1)
    if ($C -lt ($Cols - 1)) {
      doRaise ($num + 1)
      if ($R -gt 0) {
        doRaise (($num - $Cols) + 1)
    if ($R -gt 0) {
      doRaise ($num - $cols)

    if ($R -lt ($rows -1)) {
      doRaise ($num + $cols)
      if ($C -gt 0) {
        doRaise (($num + $Cols) - 1)
      if ($C -lt ($Cols -1)) {
       doRaise (($num + $Cols) + 1)

# hit the Road (....ehh, the Minefield)

$form.topmost = $true 

Blogger /\/\o\/\/
You need to load the forms library for this script to work.

otherwise it will give you a bunch of errors.

you can load the forms library like this :



greetings /\/\o\/\/
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